Kaiser Preserve
Conserved in 2007
Property Overview:
- 19.43 Acres along Kaiser Road in the Green Cove Creek Basin
- The Kaiser Preserve is located within the Green Cove Creek basin, just outside of Olympia’s Urban Growth Boundary, on Kaiser Road in Thurston County . The Preserve is located adjacent to the LOTT Alliance property, sharing a North/South boundary. The property consists of three main types of vegetation: lowland grasses and shrubs in the eastern edge, largely undisturbed wetlands in the center of the property, and upland forests on the western edge. The wetlands were formed by depressions and beaver activity.
- Red alder and western red-cedar dominate the forest wetlands, with an understory of salmonberry and groundcovers including skunk cabbage and lady fern. Douglas spirea and willows dominate the shrub-scrub wetlands. Other dominant wetland plant species on the property include field horsetail, creeping buttercup, and slough sedge.
- Green Cove Creek flows through the property. Green Cove Creek is a perennial stream with anadromous (fish that migrate from sea to fresh water to spawn) and resident fish species present. Anadromous fish found in the Creek include Chinook, chum, and Coho salmon, steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat trout. The federal government has recently listed all of these fish species as threatened.
- The bald eagle, which is federally listed as threatened, regularly visits the property. The Great Blue Heron, which the State of Washington lists as a state monitor species, also regularly visits the property. Other local inhabitants include birds such as the osprey, western grebe, American bittern, and northern harrier.
CLT Strategic Conservation Goal Achieved:
- Conserve wetlands, riparian areas, and associated upland forests.