August is National Make-A-Will Month. A will is an easy way to protect the people and communities you love. Everyone needs a will, whether you’re 18 or 80. And there’s no better moment than now to find some peace of mind in planning for the future.
While you’re writing your will, you’ll also have the opportunity to join with other wonderful people who have helped Capitol Land Trust by including legacy gifts in their wills.
Our Legacy Club – those who have made an enduring gift to Capitol Land Trust through a bequest or will – helps Capitol Land Trust plan for a stronger future and honors donors who extend their community impact beyond their lifetimes. Legacy Club members create a conservation legacy by protecting the lands and waters that make our region a wonderful place to live, for humans and wildlife alike, for generations to come.
Wills can do quite a bit more than just name who gets your money and property. With a will, you can also nominate guardians for your minor children, name caretakers for your pets, leave instructions for digital assets, write your funeral wishes, and more. A will can also save your loved ones the time, money, and stress that comes with lengthy, expensive probate court proceedings. There are several online will-making tools out there today. Make this month the time to create or update yours.
Consider leaving a portion of your estate, 1% to 10%, to Capitol Land Trust or other community organization of your choice – you can make a significant impact in our community! If everyone in the South Sound left 10%, area non-profits would receive billions of dollars across the next ten years alone. Imagine all the good work we could do!
As you reflect on the legacy you will leave behind, consider the many ways you can preserve your estate for your family and continue building a strong and healthy community for generations to come. Capitol Land Trust has been honored by community members such as Bill Scheidt & Melody Mayer, Burt & Di Meyer, Curt & Evelyn Walseth and many others who have left a portion of their estate to further CLT’s mission. These gifts have helped ensure our conserved lands will be cared for in perpetuity.
Thank you to our current Legacy Club members! We are grateful for your enduring gift to conserve our region’s lands and waters for future generations. If you have put CLT in your estate plan, please let us know by filling out this simple form, we want to appreciate your gift today. If you would like more information about including CLT in your estate plans please contact Alison Beglin, [email protected].