Quita values local and permanent land conservation. For her, monthly giving is a convenient and impactful way to support a cause she believes in.
Anyone involved with Capitol Land Trust (CLT) between 2012 and 2022 will remember former staff member Quita Terrell. Initially hired by CLT in 2012 to help manage the office and do bookkeeping, she quickly took on more responsibilities and ended her tenure with the organization as Associate Director in 2022.
Quita continues to support CLT’s important work as a monthly donor.
- Quita at the CLT office circa 2016
She says, “Capitol Land Trust has been a big part of my life, both personally and professionally. Over my ten years with the organization, I came to understand that monthly donors are a reliable source of income that the land trust can count on as it plans for the future. So, I decided to join my peers as a monthly donor. I simply set up a recurring payment through my credit union’s bill pay system so that a check is mailed automatically to the land trust each month. It was easy, I set it and forget it!”
Monthly giving, through a credit card or through your bank’s bill pay system, is an easy way to support local land conservation. For Quita, monthly giving is appealing because of the convenience and monthly assurance that she is doing something positive for the future of her community.
It was the expectation of her first child that caused Quita to get serious about land conservation. Anticipating having a baby to care for made her think about what the future might bring. What kind of world would this new person grow up in? How might the natural world change? Would wild places still be accessible to create wonder and awe as they had for her?
She knows that land conservation is an important part of ensuring that the natural places she loves will still be there in the future. She decided to find out how she could help. A local newspaper article about CLT was the spark that led her to discover more and eventually achieve a fulfilling tenure with CLT.
“CLT’s collaborative approach to local land conservation was an inspiring part of my work at the organization. The personal relationships I formed made me realize how critical individual donors are and how people giving their time or money is what makes CLT’s land conservation accomplishments possible.”
If, like Quita, you want to invest in the future by helping protect important natural areas in our region, consider becoming a monthly donor today. The consistent contributions from monthly donors have a lasting impact on the health of our people, plants and wildlife.
Because monthly contributions from donors are so essential, CLT has made it easy for its supporters to provide this sustaining support. Follow this link, enter any amount you wish to give, and click “Make this donation monthly.”
You can also contact your financial institution to learn how to give monthly using their bill pay system.
The following information is provided for making a gift from an IRA or any other account:
Tax ID: 91-1413484
Mailing Address: PO BOX 14065 Tumwater, WA 98501